Florist Salzburg

We offer same day delivery when you order by 9:00 AM in Austria Monday through Saturday.

We're open for business and delivering throughout Austria


Birthday Flowers

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Just Because

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Sympathy and Funeral Flowers

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Florist Delivery to Salzburg, Austria

With sending flowers and plants to Salzburg, Austria is quick and easy. This Austrian city on the border of Germany, with views of the Eastern Alps is divided by the Salzach River into two neighborhoods, namely Altstadt (Old City) on its left bank and Neustadt (New City) on its right and our local area florists deliver to both neighborhoods. Send beautiful congratulations flowers to your favorite soon-to-be-graduate at the University of Salzburg and send a gorgeous green plant to the Bestattung Buchsteiner Wallmann in loving memory of a near and dear friend. Our local preferred Salzburg area florists will prepare and hand deliver your personally selected floral gift to all of the area businesses including Salzburg für Energie, Verkehr und Telekommunikation and BENTELER International AG. If you want to congratulate the new parents on the birth of their infant child we make daily flowers deliveries to all of the area hospitals, including AUVA-Unfallkrankenhaus Salzburg and Privatklinik Wehrle-Diakonissen six days a week.

Popular flowers and arrangements for Salzburg

Not sure what to choose? Let us help!


Mozarteum University of Salzburg
Mirabellplatz 1
University of Applied Sciences Salzburg
Campus Urstein Süd 1
University of Salzburg
Kapitelgasse 4-6


AUVA-Unfallkrankenhaus Salzburg
Doktor-Franz-Rehrl-Platz 5
Landeskrankenhaus Salzburg - Universitätsklinikum
Müllner Hauptstraße 48
Privatklinik Wehrle-Diakonissen
Haydnstraße 18

Funeral Homes

Bestattung Buchsteiner Wallmann
Fürbergstraße 19
Bestattung Jung
Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 42/44
Stadtgemeinde Salzburg - Städtische Bestattung
Gneiser Str. 14A

Currency Helper
U.S. E.U.
$ 1 Dollar  =    0.82 Euros
$ 50 Dollars  =    41.02 Euros
E.U. U.S.
1 Euro  =    $ 1.22 Dollars
50 Euros  =    $ 60.94 Dollars

Send Flowers to Major Cities in Austria

Bad GasteinRustSalzburgSteyrZell am See

What Our Customers Are Saying:

* Nice choices for international deliveries

* Well done. Managed to have my Love back

* Thank you for your service. I have been quite satisfied.

Order by Phone 24 / 7:
Help Hours:
8 AM - 5 PM CT Monday-Friday
9 AM - 1 PM CT Saturday
Comments or suggestions?
click here to email us:

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8 AM - 5 PM CT Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 1 PM CT Saturday. (Outside the US please call 00-1-225-927-1062)
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