Interflora and FTD Flowers for Switzerland

We offer same day delivery when you order by 9:00 AM in Switzerland Monday through Saturday.

We're open for business and delivering throughout Switzerland

Interflora and FTD Flowers Favorites:
Florist's pink roses
Starting from
Autumn poetry
Starting from
Florist's orange roses
Starting from
Original Popular Price Name

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What Our Customers Are Saying:

* I was able to reach a live person easily when I wanted to change a delivery date. That was great. Recipients have told me that they really like the flowers I send.

* Great web site, lots of choice and I use them for sending thank yous or good wishes to friends etc. in the US.

* I live in Australia and have family in USA. I send flowers on Birthdays etc. and they are always on time, as ordered and much appreciated by recipients who tell me. your deliveries are also worthy of comment as on occasion the recipient has not been home and they have been contacted by phone to deliver as soon as possible. Thoroughly satisfied.

Order by Phone 24 / 7:
Help Hours:
8 AM - 5 PM CT Monday-Friday
9 AM - 1 PM CT Saturday
Comments or suggestions?
click here to email us:

You may find this translation tool helpful if you have found us searching for flores, floreria, florista or floristeria in Spanish or for fleurs, fleuriste or livraison fleurs in French or for blumen, blumenladen or blumenversand in German. International customers are very welcome at 1st in Flowers!

  Please send any comments or suggestions to

For Customer Service or to place an order, call 1-800-541-1857
8 AM - 5 PM CT Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 1 PM CT Saturday.
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