Local Baton Rouge Florist Delivery

We offer same day flower delivery when you order by 11:00 am local Baton Rouge time Monday through Friday and 11:00 am on Saturday

We're open for business and delivering throughout the U.S. and Canada

We offer same day flower delivery when you order by 11:00 am local Baton Rouge time Monday through Friday and 11:00 am on Saturday


Same Day Flowers

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Get Well Soon

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Teleflora Flowers

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Arrangements professionally designed and delivered by a local Teleflora florist. *

Send flowers to Baton Rouge, LA

Let our expert floral designers in the Baton Rouge area professionally design and hand deliver your flowers for any occasion. Located on the eastern bank of the mighty Mississippi River our local area florists can handle flower deliveries anywhere in the Red Stick region. Send a bouquet of roses to that special someone in Denham Springs, a whimsical birthday mix of gerberas to your best friend in Baker, an elegant Happy Anniversary vase arrangement to your mom and dad in Zachary, a charming green plant to your kids in Greenwell Springs and Central and a fresh table centerpiece to your boss in Prairieville.

Popular flowers and arrangements for Baton Rouge

Not sure what to choose? Let us help!

The most popular flowers we send to the Baton Rouge area are Roses, Plants and Carnations while the most popular flower colors we send here are White, Pink and Red

Most commonly delivered:
Birthday Arrangements: Possibly Pink and Teleflora's Blushing Violet Bouquet
Romantic Flowers: Recipe for Romance and Rose Medley
Funeral Flowers: Peaceful White Lilies Basket
Sympathy Flowers: Always Adored Calla Lily Bouquet


Louisiana State University
156 Thomas Boyd Hall
Our Lady of the Lake College
7434 Perkins Road
Southern University and A&M College
Southern Branch Post Office


Baton Rouge General Medical Center
3600 Florida Street
Earl K Long Medical Center
5825 Airline Highway
Our Lady of Lake Regional Medical Center
5000 Hennessy Boulevard
Woman's Hospital
100 Woman's Way

Nursing Homes

Hillhaven Nursing Ctr
4100 North Blvd
Jefferson Manor Nursing Home
9919 Jefferson Hwy
Lakewood Quarters Assisted Lvg
8585 Summa Ave
Sunrise Assisted Living
8502 Jefferson Hwy

Retirement Homes

Catholic-presbyterian Apts
655 North St
Colonial Courts Senior Citizen
5656 McClelland Dr
Williamsburg Retirement Cmnty
5445 Government St

Funeral Homes

Capital Funeral Home Inc
3450 North St
Carney & Mackey Funeral Home
1576 Robin St
Desselle's Funeral Home
263 Eddie Robinson Sr Dr
Resthaven Gardens Of Memory
11817 Jefferson Hwy


451 Florida St
Shaw Group
4171 Essen Lane

Baton Rouge, LA Map

Find Baton Rouge on a map

Baton Rouge Florists with Same Day Delivery

Shopping for flowers online can be a hassle with so many different options to choose from. We simplify the process using our decades of experience sending flowers to pick the right florist for your order. Below are some of our affiliated florists in the Baton Rouge area that may be used to deliver your order.
All About Flowers
12658 Perkins Rd
Broadmoor Village Florist
2912 Monterrey Drive
Coles' Floral & Garden Design
10660 Coursey Blvd
Flowers By Janice
6609 Jefferson Hwy
Four Seasons Florist
3482 Drusilla Ln Ste G
Heroman'S Billy Flowerland
1946 Perkins Rd
Heroman'S Billy Flowerland Inc & Ghses
10812 N Harrells Ferry Rd
Hunt's Flowers
11480 Coursey Blvd
Pugh's Florist & Gifts
8255 Florida Blvd
Just a few of the many places near Baton Rouge where we deliver.

Baker, LABrusly, LACentral, LADenham Springs, LAGardere, LAGonzales, LAPort Allen, LAPrairieville, LAZachary, LA

Baton Rouge is located in East Baton Rouge Parish and is the capital of Louisiana.

What Our Customers Are Saying:

* Great and beautiful gifts available.

* This is my first time ordering flowers for my mother in Vienna, Austria from 1st in Flowers. I heard from my sister that the arrangement was beautiful and that my mother loved it.

* Living more than 3000 miles away from my wife the service 1st in Flowers provides is of great importance for me. I have been relying on their assistance through a number of years and have never been let down by them. Everything works smoothly, the flowers reach the "target" on time, and their quality is impressive (among others, they last long!) irrespective of the price. Thanks and hats off! Georg P.

Order by Phone 24 / 7:
Help Hours:
8 AM - 5 PM CT Monday-Friday
9 AM - 1 PM CT Saturday
Comments or suggestions?
click here to email us:

Ver esta página en español en PrimerosenFlores.com    Please send any comments or suggestions to service@1stinflowers.com

For Customer Service or to place an order, call 1-800-541-1857
8 AM - 5 PM CT Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 1 PM CT Saturday. (Outside the US please call 00-1-225-927-1062)
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